year-long preparation
7-week summer camp
registration of 824 camp applications
registration of more than 200 volunteers
many hundreds, thousands of phone calls
hours of practice weekly
These are only facts, but many, many people are behind them to whom I could serve. I am really thankful that God has used me and I could see His provision on a daily base in spite of my 'lacking's and weaknesses.
One of my greatest experiences is how greatly God blessed us financially - by many brothers' and sisters' giving - so we could help to needy young people. A week of unclouded fun. About 100 young people came from the Borsod county, a flooded area. Let these testimonies be an encouragement for you:
I have been coming to this camp for 10 years and I still like it very much. Though I have heard the gospel many times only now I got to the point to make this decision. God has worked out this in me by now. As soon as I got saved, I called my parents to share the big news with them. Next year I would like to came back as a Room Supervisor. - 17-year old girl
This is my first time here in this camp. To tell you the truth at the beginning I didn't like it at all but as the days were passing I liked it more and more. - 20-year old girl
I had really though that going to church and reading the Bible is enough. But here I understood that I need to make a personal decision. - 13-year old boy
A little insight to the 5th week of camp:
In front of me
Hungarian Continental Singers - 25-year jubilee concert

I need to be there! God used this ministry in 2001 to make a 180 degrees-turn in my life. It has been 9 years since that... And now I have got the opportunity to be part of this celebration and to sing the best songs with the singers of 25 years. I invite you because you can be part of a great 3-hour experience with the focus of God.
More information and ticket

South - Africa - 9 month

It is so very close that I am already feeling on my face the gentle wind of the Johannesburg airport, the bed of the city skyscrapers is already appearing in front of my eyes and the voice of the hungry lion crying far away is ring in my ears... :)
My visa application is at the embassy, the airline ticket is picked, the preparation is in progress...
The summer camp was another evidence how much I am not worthy for this ministry (either): I am selfish, impatient, lazy, shy... I always realize that I need to grow up to God and then He explains it over and over again what grace means.
Anyway! I am going though the total support for my SA ministry is not collected yet. Still - very, very much - I need your prayer support and also either regularly or irregularly/once you would stand with me even financially if you can and God encourages you.
The information about this you can see in the right column.
Thank you for reading!!! :)