As the title of the previous post was camps after camps now it is prayer requests after praises. :)
On the 7th of May the South African practice of the Born Again to a Living Hope drama had started!!! I am so very thankful, I cannot even express... Frankly, I worried a lot but after the very first practice I could put all my worries in the Lord's hands. I realized that nothing would be moved by my effort but only God's.
The practices are going really well: the team learns fast and doesn't forget (too much). :) The main roles could get to people who will act them out carefully and with a strong spiritual background. We have already got invitation for the next day... :) We are not ready yet but it is really encouraging that as soon as the team is together we are only limited by our dreams... :D

Prayer Requests:
- Financial cover - There is a more than 5000-dollar need to have everything what we need: "Grandma" (the background), the different tools, props, technical equipment, costumes.
- The places and time of first performances - after the 3rd of June till my return to Hungary none of the schools can invite us because of the term exams. So right now we are thinking and praying for a church performance and also a Zimbabwean Mission Trip (especially this last one would give another financial challenge).
But we have a GREAT GOD so we believe that He meets all of our needs and also that His plan is "the most perfectest".
I am completely healthy and without any scratches!
But! I had an accident in Sunday afternoon. As I am playing it back with slow motion I can hear as the angels ask God:
- Holy God! Should we avoid this accident? Do you want her to notice the danger on time?
- NO!!! This needs to happen. I have other plans with her.
So through an oversight it has happened. Nobody got hurt - Praise the Lord - the car is going to be at the repairer for a while. So I don't have a car right now - and this is the point. I need to continue travelling by taxi (not the well-known system!). This way we can save a lot of money and also I will be among people so I will be able to share the gospel as we travel.
Could I have suspected it? Yes... I have started to get too comfortable... Not only meaning the quality of travelling but sharing the good news - I chose the easier way... But God doesn't forget His plan in our lives, He calls - come this way, don't go there... :)
Another great value I have got through the accident: "I have your life in my hands, worship ME with all your heart!" - God
Soon I will write about the Hungarian plans: summer ministry, prayer request about the future...

I thought the uno rules - I know of - are international... Since they are not I have introduced a few new rules in South Africa. Now the game is even more enjoyable! :D

We have such cute faces (7).
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