Four of my cousins visited us on a Friday. We had a blast! :D We acted out the story of the Good Samaritan (I played the part of the ambulance), we drew an invitation for a show, which devolved into a "marketing-slogan writing" campaign. (Kids these days... :D ) We stuffed ourselves (since we are still in growth), and by the end of the day we - or rather "I" - managed to wind up exhausted.

This picture was taken by the youngest guy, Márk. We couldn't pry the camera out of his hands. I think he was on to something... :) Then there's
Ádám and the kisses... :D The next morning, when Márk got up next to his his grandma, he asked: "Are we going to Éva's house today, too? (Éva being my mother)

Márk, as he is being " creative"... (By the way, he is drawing a fish inside a fish - eating was a constant topic, even outside the kitchen. :)
DoctorJust a few words about
my current state: Skin turgor - Normal. Pharynx - Not inflamed. Contractile tissues - Healthy. AHDL-C: 1.9 mmol/L. Clean lungs. Regular hila. Isoelectric ST-divisions, positive T-waves. But I do have an iron-deficiency. But I knew that already, it wasn't a surprise, I got medicine for it.

The other great adventure was getting my shots. So I have the solvents of two preventative injections flowing through my veins: Typherix (for typhoid) and the first two of the combined shot series for Hepatitis A and B. Because of my rapidly changing geographic coordinates, every shot was given by a different person, and that won't change any time soon. :) I have about 5 shots to go. Pictured is the official documentation, as well as the long-long list of side-effects. :D But thanks be to God, I didn't have any of those, except feeling that my arm was a lot heavier that day. :)
These doctor's appointments and trips gave me many opportunities to tell me what I am getting ready to do, and especially to tell them why. I had to be quick and concise each time, but may God grant that the planted seeds come alive in these people.
Since September 5th I have been
breathing Tóalmás' air, preparing music for the opening weekend of the Bible School, trying to make up all the e-mails that have collected in my inbox. I am also slowly teaching Böbe (Erzsébet Csabák), our new camp staffmember, how to do my job, so that by the time I leave, she will hopefully not be faced with too many surprises. But I will tell you more about the start of this year later... :)