Thank you!!!
Praise/Prayer request, Praise/Prayer Request, Praise/Prayer Request...
As the title of the previous post was camps after camps now it is prayer requests after praises. :)
On the 7th of May the South African practice of the Born Again to a Living Hope drama had started!!! I am so very thankful, I cannot even express... Frankly, I worried a lot but after the very first practice I could put all my worries in the Lord's hands. I realized that nothing would be moved by my effort but only God's.
The practices are going really well: the team learns fast and doesn't forget (too much). :) The main roles could get to people who will act them out carefully and with a strong spiritual background. We have already got invitation for the next day... :) We are not ready yet but it is really encouraging that as soon as the team is together we are only limited by our dreams... :D

Prayer Requests:
- Financial cover - There is a more than 5000-dollar need to have everything what we need: "Grandma" (the background), the different tools, props, technical equipment, costumes.
- The places and time of first performances - after the 3rd of June till my return to Hungary none of the schools can invite us because of the term exams. So right now we are thinking and praying for a church performance and also a Zimbabwean Mission Trip (especially this last one would give another financial challenge).
But we have a GREAT GOD so we believe that He meets all of our needs and also that His plan is "the most perfectest".
I am completely healthy and without any scratches!
But! I had an accident in Sunday afternoon. As I am playing it back with slow motion I can hear as the angels ask God:
- Holy God! Should we avoid this accident? Do you want her to notice the danger on time?
- NO!!! This needs to happen. I have other plans with her.
So through an oversight it has happened. Nobody got hurt - Praise the Lord - the car is going to be at the repairer for a while. So I don't have a car right now - and this is the point. I need to continue travelling by taxi (not the well-known system!). This way we can save a lot of money and also I will be among people so I will be able to share the gospel as we travel.
Could I have suspected it? Yes... I have started to get too comfortable... Not only meaning the quality of travelling but sharing the good news - I chose the easier way... But God doesn't forget His plan in our lives, He calls - come this way, don't go there... :)
Another great value I have got through the accident: "I have your life in my hands, worship ME with all your heart!" - God
Soon I will write about the Hungarian plans: summer ministry, prayer request about the future...

I thought the uno rules - I know of - are international... Since they are not I have introduced a few new rules in South Africa. Now the game is even more enjoyable! :D

We have such cute faces (7).
Camps after camp
Oh, how funny that though in Hungary I served with the camp team all year it seems that here I have more all kinds of camps and camp arrangement tasks.
In 2 weeks we had three camps. First of all we made sure that the Grace Christian School junior classes had enough fun. This is actually pretty special because the WOL team was asked the first time to camp the senior classes as well. (The leadership of the school has already asked our help for next year.) Personally I really enjoyed it though we had so many issues during that week... (Who says they are innocent angels? :D

"Jonah in the big fish" skit :)

Oh, how much I like... the camp! :D
In this camp Kyle and John - our american interns - did their bits as well. (I really enjoy their companies. They are so funny, very Americans = spontaneous and crazy... :D, and also they take the ministry pretty seriously. Oh, and they also like board games.)

Kyle and John in a skit
Our second camp was about Conflicts. Its name is BattleZone (dealing with important life issues). This is a yearly organised Word of Life event. This year we had more than 100 young people however we slept on the floor of a church and there were 2 showers one each for the girls and the boys. :) Nevertheless it was a big adventure and also a huge praise for the many decisions and dedications. Please, pray that those decisions would take long and wouldn't get tarnished by grey days.

Conflict, conflict, conflict...

A conflict game: the chicken goes round... :)
S.M.A.S.H. which means Students Ministering And Serving Him - mission trip was the third camp. We went to Welkom, to a city 3 hours far from Johannesburg for a week serving along with a local church. We went from door to door every day, we invited young people, kids to the Church backyard to play tons of tons of games and also to tell them the good news. The goal was also to teach, encourage and equip the church members how to minister after we leave. It was a really special week with lots of hugs, tears and oh, my... with so many kids day by day. :D
Oh, and I shared my testimony in Hungarian. Those faces!!! :D "What language is she speaking?"

Our S.M.A.S.H. team :)

With my Sweetheart - how she laughed! :D

The "fruits" of one of the afternoons - how to play when they don't understand anything in English... neither in Hungarian... :D
Hillbrow: my church family
Especially now - getting closer and closer to the end of my South African time - it is not too easy to write about them. I will miss them greatly.
The things were natural in Hungary I am greatly thankful here.
Being far from my family, friends who have known me for ages... and stepping into a new world where nobody knows how the Lord saved me, how wonderful parents I have, why I decided to leave Europe, how much I struggle with sin in my heart, how much I like chocolate...
But as soon as I entered to the Hillbrow Independent Baptist Church I felt at home right away. I have got brothers, sisters and friends, caring hands and listening ears...
So much that even this would be a great reason to come back and finally give as well...
It was weird to receive help, hospitality - especially as a missionary when you would think that you came only to give. God has broken many of my ideas about ministry. Now I receive everything with great joy - without thinking too much - because I know those are from HIM...
My pastor, Ruben May is a great servant of the Lord. Not only because every message what he preaches is full of power, application and love which call you to make a decision but also because with his family they are good examples in hospitality, following God's ways, reaction for difficulties... I am really thankful for them.
I could keep going with the list adding so many people, young and old, man and woman but it would be so long that I am afraid since they are the corner of my heart it would be hard to see them as I do. But I can tell with confidence that I am loved. :)
Finally a few pics:

Friday night YOUth (game time)

Sunday School: If I were a butterfly (If I were an elephant... :)

Sunday School: my girls :)
God has been working in me big time using everything, everything obvious. Have you ever experienced He pointed out using everything that He wanted you not to diddle any time on yourself but to focus on Him completely? To use every second to minister to Him (not meaning the full-time ministry) because the time is so short and so evil and you don't know what would happen in the next minute... Christian Carpe Diem: if now (not today) you can do something, DO IT, don't regret later not doing it!

"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is." Eph 5:15-17
1. Preach the Word...

... in the shop to the shop assistant who is going to divorce, who doesn't have hope at all, ridden and has no idea about the next step... (who would tell these looking at him)...
... when you don't feel like it because God (even then) is preparing something special... On Monday as I was coming back to Little Falls by taxi I hesitated to give out tracts to the other passengers. God won and gave me such an "encouragement bag" which humbled me completely... A pastor traveled behind me and a new-born believer sat next to me. She said: "Don't get tired of the good work! Thank you very much for doing this!"
... for the believers' correction... I know, I see that I am becoming "stricter"... straighter... I say this to myself and to you, my believer friend - Be strict with yourself - according to Scriptures -, don't be patient because you are playing with the fire... (I know it sounds black and white so I am praying that it wouldn't cause confusion and misunderstanding.)
2. God's provision
Miriam Ritchie
Oh, how much I got from God through her!!! Thank you!!! She's just got back to the States after a 2-year ministry. She showed me all the ins and outs of the WOL South Africa ministry... :) We spent 4 months living, ministering, laughing, crying, improving, learning together... She is facing a completely new chapter of her life right now: please, pray for her to adjust to the new things and to see God's leadership for the future.

What I didn't expect at all - my first South African support. I am smiling with full mouth and giving thanks to GOD that He gives so much more than I basically need. I assisted in a Christian school camp: organizing programs, counseling, taking pictures, lifeguarding, guiding hikes... and also I made friends with the young people.

In my next post I will introduce my church (and my ministries), my new family! :)
January Whirl
At the beginning of this new year God has answered a pretty few of my 3-month old prayer requests (hm... I didn't need to wait so long...):
- My international driving license has arrived! I am very excited because 1. I have more opportunities and 2. I can become a (more) confident driver (What a gift!).
- I have my home church: the Hillbrow Independent Baptist Church in the heart of the city. Last Sunday with one of the boys I crossed the street to get some peanuts before Church Service. He asked me: Can you run fast? Hm... :D I invited the mongers to church and I prayed right there for them because God loves to see in His house even those who have dreds. I hope one day they will take Him seriously.
- A few years ago I whispered a prayer to God if He thinks fit than to use me in people's lives by a regular ministry as well. He has answered it double: I can serve in the Youth on Fridays (and help the girls) and I can show the beautiful truths of the Bible to the young ones in their language at Sunday School. I am so very excited, I can't even put it into words... :)
- At Word of Life South Africa besides the new year's big Bible Club Material reproduction (printing, punching, binding, shipping) now we are to organize 3 camps (3 weeks in a row - my responsibility is the program). Now I make myself completely at home. :D
- The Discipleship Training Center has started (4 boys): I have a really important role in this!!! Twice a week I cook for supper! :D My price ups to 100 cows by now. Who would offer more? :D My new favorite is that I can introduce the drama world to the guys - they can learn a lot of new things, many skits and the Born Again To A Living Hope will take its first steps with them as well.
Above all my social life is getting stronger as well - I get to a know and keep in touch with more and more people.
Thank you very much that so many of you are beside me and pray for me! It means a lot to me!!!
PS unbelievable as it is - It rains a lot this summer in Johannesburg (which means the sun is not shining).
- My international driving license has arrived! I am very excited because 1. I have more opportunities and 2. I can become a (more) confident driver (What a gift!).
- I have my home church: the Hillbrow Independent Baptist Church in the heart of the city. Last Sunday with one of the boys I crossed the street to get some peanuts before Church Service. He asked me: Can you run fast? Hm... :D I invited the mongers to church and I prayed right there for them because God loves to see in His house even those who have dreds. I hope one day they will take Him seriously.
- A few years ago I whispered a prayer to God if He thinks fit than to use me in people's lives by a regular ministry as well. He has answered it double: I can serve in the Youth on Fridays (and help the girls) and I can show the beautiful truths of the Bible to the young ones in their language at Sunday School. I am so very excited, I can't even put it into words... :)
- At Word of Life South Africa besides the new year's big Bible Club Material reproduction (printing, punching, binding, shipping) now we are to organize 3 camps (3 weeks in a row - my responsibility is the program). Now I make myself completely at home. :D
- The Discipleship Training Center has started (4 boys): I have a really important role in this!!! Twice a week I cook for supper! :D My price ups to 100 cows by now. Who would offer more? :D My new favorite is that I can introduce the drama world to the guys - they can learn a lot of new things, many skits and the Born Again To A Living Hope will take its first steps with them as well.
Above all my social life is getting stronger as well - I get to a know and keep in touch with more and more people.
Thank you very much that so many of you are beside me and pray for me! It means a lot to me!!!
PS unbelievable as it is - It rains a lot this summer in Johannesburg (which means the sun is not shining).
(I am already asking the WOL Hungary Summer Camp Team's forgiveness!!! :D)
I have spent the best week of my life in a summer camp organized by WOL South Africa. We had a lot of preparation. Though the kids camp was only 2 nights/3 days and the youth one was 5 days we needed to design and do the decoration, to plan the daily activities, schedules, games related to the topic (kids camp - Safari, youth camp - Truth under pressure)...
I was a program helper which actually meant joker (slavey?). :D I was truly thankful for it because I was able to taste of everything: I was part of a lot of pranks, I taught how to swim, I talked to a girl after the dedication camp fire, I led a morning hike with Quiet Time, I landed in the swimming pool in my jeans, I was Zizi, the zebra for three days, I was the key person (the main coordinator of the room checks :), I led many, many games...
2 favorite memories:
- I asked Miriam to announce after one of the evening meetings my Hungarian collage, Andris Bartos' picked bone joke: "Put on water and fire-proof clothes for the evening game!" You should've seen those scared faces and then heard all those questions: What kind of cloth is that? Are we really going to play with the fire? ... :D :D :D
- The original plan was to have a morning hike with Quiet Time every morning with each team but it was raining all week except Friday when I was scheduled to lead the group. So we made it voluntarily but still there was quiet a group of people. That one hour what we spent together gave some stronger friendships, opportunities to be observer and part of lives up to this day.
So truly my heart is full of praises and thanks to God that He brought so many young people to the camp, so many of them made personal decisions and also how much He stretched me as well.
Sliding together is FUN!!!
More pictures:
Kids Camp 1. (200 pictures)
Kids Camp 2. (68)
Teens camp 1. (68)
Teens Camp 2. (199)
Teens Camp 3. (125)
Teens Camp 4. (119)
Teens Camp 5. (28)
Hike (18)
I have spent the best week of my life in a summer camp organized by WOL South Africa. We had a lot of preparation. Though the kids camp was only 2 nights/3 days and the youth one was 5 days we needed to design and do the decoration, to plan the daily activities, schedules, games related to the topic (kids camp - Safari, youth camp - Truth under pressure)...
I was a program helper which actually meant joker (slavey?). :D I was truly thankful for it because I was able to taste of everything: I was part of a lot of pranks, I taught how to swim, I talked to a girl after the dedication camp fire, I led a morning hike with Quiet Time, I landed in the swimming pool in my jeans, I was Zizi, the zebra for three days, I was the key person (the main coordinator of the room checks :), I led many, many games...
2 favorite memories:
- I asked Miriam to announce after one of the evening meetings my Hungarian collage, Andris Bartos' picked bone joke: "Put on water and fire-proof clothes for the evening game!" You should've seen those scared faces and then heard all those questions: What kind of cloth is that? Are we really going to play with the fire? ... :D :D :D
- The original plan was to have a morning hike with Quiet Time every morning with each team but it was raining all week except Friday when I was scheduled to lead the group. So we made it voluntarily but still there was quiet a group of people. That one hour what we spent together gave some stronger friendships, opportunities to be observer and part of lives up to this day.
So truly my heart is full of praises and thanks to God that He brought so many young people to the camp, so many of them made personal decisions and also how much He stretched me as well.
Smile and laugh with me at these pictures:

More pictures:
Kids Camp 1. (200 pictures)
Kids Camp 2. (68)
Teens camp 1. (68)
Teens Camp 2. (199)
Teens Camp 3. (125)
Teens Camp 4. (119)
Teens Camp 5. (28)
Hike (18)
(The pictures were taken by Jessica Bowen, BIRD ON A WIRE PHOTOGRAPHY.)
People I give special thanks to God for...
The Page family
"We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people." (Paul - Col 1:3-4)
This is the way I think and pray for this family which set up a really high gage in gathering God's people around them and love them in the most natural way. They share almost everything with others, there is no difference between mine and yours. They are not perfect but still great examples of how they try to be more and more like Jesus.
Mamma mia! Who has ever thought that 3 weeks could be so full of laughter, honesty, happy moments, cries, late night hours, wet clothes, movies, chips and chocolates, sentences started accidentally in Hungarian, paintings, seeing things in the clouds and of course copying everything I say with a Hungarian accent... :D God gives so abundantly that I just simply overflow...
Jess was our offical and professional summer camp photographer. "She is at ease as much as a flake." (I have a hard time to translate myself... all these slangs I use....) I am really thankful for her how God worked in me through her: she eased me, recalled the joy of the painting, showed me how to remain a woman even in the ministry and we became simple friends.
We hope and pray that she may come back to South Africa again and meet in Hungary as well! :)

This is the heart of Johannesburg (In the 1970s it was an Apartheid-designated 'whites only' area but soon became a 'grey area', where people of different ethnicities lived together. The lack of investment led to an exodus of middle class residents so today the majority of the residents are migrants from the township, rural areas and the rest of Africa.). What I cannot reflect with any words, any pictures is the music of the city (others say noise), the dirt and mess everywhere... and of course the faces... Well, Hillbrow is in my daily Prayer Journal...
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